Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Confusion Over the Murder of Boris Nemtsov

While there is someone who came out and confessed that they committed the murder of political leader Boris Nemtsov in front of the Kremlin, the knee jerk reaction to it was to place blame on the current man of the hour, Vladimir Putin.  While I, and certainly the press, have no real bearing on who did it until the investigation is completed, it is striking how people immediately look to Putin for the murder. Even a man who confessed is under dispute to whether his confession was forced or not (see article below).  Who did it is important, paramount in fact, but just the simple reaction of the press and of the people in and outside of Russia, one of the most powerful countries in the world, this gut reaction is very strange, and is indicative of an image that Putin has either manifested for himself, or others have placed upon him.  And does Putin benefit from this image?  Has the reaction to this event been a litmus test for how his power and image is perforating throughout the world?  And what is the real truth?

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