Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Apartheid Death Squad Leader is Planned to be Release After Apoligizing

In an interesting correlation between David Lurie and the recent history of South Africa, a former police death squad leader by the name of Eugene de Kock, is going to be released early from his more than 200 year sentence. This is done after his efforts to seek out and apologize to the families that were affected by his atrocities. While this is very similar to the story of David Lurie and his eventual apology from the Isaacs, one must consider the sincerity of this apology.  And even if it is wholly sincere, where is the line for forgiveness? Does the murder and torture of many people constitue a uncleanable slate? Either way, it looks that his release is imminent, and one must wonder what is life like for a man so saturated with disgrace.  Will he be able to live with himself and grow in the way Lurie does in the story? One can only hope.


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